Monday, October 4, 2010

Disability Employment Awareness Month-President Obama's Kickoff Speech

On October 1, 2010 President Obama officially proclaimed October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month. In his speech he said that despite the ADA’s twentieth anniversary and the progress it has led to, Americans with disabilities are still employed at much lower rates than Americans without disabilities. President Obama explained that his Administration will guarantee that people with disabilities have fair access to jobs. One step to accomplish this was the executive order he signed in July to increase federal employment of people with disabilities. According to the order, federal agencies must create model hiring and recruitment strategies as well as programs to retain individuals with disabilities as employees. Each agency will report its progress to the Office of Personnel Management. Agency reports will be available to the public on line.

The President asserted we must improve accessibility in the workplace, ensure that assistive and workplace technologies are available to improve everyone’s experience at work, and ensure each employee has the chance to collaborate and contribute in the workplace.

Non-federal agencies also are working hard to eliminate employment discrimination that individuals with disabilities face. Disability Rights North Carolina provides legal advocacy to SSDI and SSI beneficiaries with disabilities who have been denied access to work training programs and reasonable accommodations, or who otherwise face barriers to gaining and maintaining employment and employment skills. We advocate that every North Carolinian, including those with disabilities, should have access to gaining the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in the workforce.

President Obama reminded his audience that people with disabilities are “a vital and dynamic part of our Nation.” He encouraged everyone to take advantage of October to focus on ensuring equal access at work and value and use the diversity, talents, skills each employee has to offer. Of course, the ADA requires that this be a year-round goal.

To read more about President Obama's speech use the foliwing link,

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