We are eager to hear your feedback on our policy blog posts! However, we would like to ask that conversation remain civil. Avoid offensive, vulgar or hateful language and please be respectful of all viewpoints and opinions, even if they may differ from your own. We do not monitor each and every posting, but we reserve the right to delete comments that violate our policy.
Welcome to our policy blog! If you are unfamiliar with DRNC, here is a little bit about us:
DisabilityRights North Carolina is a federally mandated protection and advocacy system that works to ensure the rights of all state citizens with disabilities. We value the dignity of ALL people and their freedom to control their own lives. We work for justice by upholding the fundamental rights of people with disabilities to live free from harm in the communities of their choice with the opportunity to participate fully and equally in society.
Please read through our posts and feel free to leave your thoughts behind in our comment section!
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We are eager to hear your feedback on our policy blog posts! However, we would like to ask that conversation remain civil. Avoid offensive, vulgar or hateful language and please be respectful of all viewpoints and opinions, even if they may differ from your own. We do not monitor each and every posting, but we reserve the right to delete comments that violate our policy.