Thursday, January 12, 2012

Report- NC Children with Complex Disabilities

Disability Rights North Carolina has released a new report on our state's failure to adequately serve children with complex mental health care needs. Check it out on our website:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Eugenics Compensation Task Force Finalizes Recommendations

This morning the Governor's Eugenics Compensation Task Force met to finalize its recommendations. The Task Force recommended a cash payment to living survivors of forced sterilization in the amount of $50,000. In addition, provision of mental health services for victims and educational measures to teach the history of the Eugenics Board in North Carolina were among the recommendations. A group of victims and their family members expressed disappointment in both the amount of compensation recommended and the exclusion of family members of deceased victims. The recommendations will be sent to the Governor. The legislature will ultimately be responsible for deciding what compensation, if any, is provided to victims. Unlike previous meetings of the task force, there was no time alotted for public commnet during this meeting.